News and Events

Another Successful "Zuk-Union" Family Gathering!
(February 3, 2013) There was a bit of a different feel in the air at the February 2, 2013 Zuk Family Reunion, and no doubt it was because we were in the loving home of Kathy and Peter Belanger and not at a big event hall as in 2012.

The crowd may not have been quite as large as the 2012 event, but being in "Kathy's Kitchen" made it feel like an old-fashioned Zuk family affair. The quarters were a bit closer - but so were the family members, who thoroughly enjoyed another great family gathering.

You could almost sense "Nana" (Anne Zuk Novack), Ma/Aunt Nancy (Zuk Buden), Ma/Aunt Natalie (Zuk), Ma/Aunt Toni (Zuk Sachok) and Ma/Aunt Nina (Zuk Carey) right there in the room with all their children, cousins, nieces and nephews.
The smiles were again big, the tales entertaining, the laughs loud and the food again fantastic. The smell and taste of Kathy's homemade golumpkis still resonates - just like Babka used to make!

The event was highlighted by the unveiling of the Zuk family website, which was a big hit. The group even connected during the party with cousin Annelle, Walter Sachok's daughter in Florida, who got to speak with a couple of cousins she had never met.

Kathy Belanger announced that the next gathering will take place in October, hopefully when more family members can attend. Keep a close eye on your e-mail box and come back to visit this site for details in the coming months.

Thanks to all for another fantastic time!

Click here to view photos from the 2013 event.
Third Zuk Reunion Slated for February 2, 2013
(January 1, 2013) The third annual Zuk Family Reunion will take place at 2 p.m. on Saturday, February 2, 2013, at the home of Kathy and Peter Belanger, 81 Ivy Road, Plainville. Attendees are encouraged to bring a dish of their choice and beverages of their choosing. Coffee will be provided. Please RSVP to Kathy at
Family Members Reunite at Second Zuk Reunion 
(January 29, 2012) Family members who hadn't seen each other in decades - and in some cases had never met before - came together to honor their forebearers on Saturday, January 28, 2012, at the Second Annual Zuk Family Reunion at the American Legion Post 33 in Plainville.

Kielbasa and cabbage flowed along with the memories as more than 30 Zuk descendants attended. The group shared stories and enjoyed displays of old photographs, immigration records and a slide show depicting Zuk family members throughout the years.

To view photos from the event, please click here.

Please read below the post-party thank you offered by party organizer Kathy Belanger to all family attendees.

"I would like to begin by saying thank you to all of you who attended yesterday's Zuk family renuion. In my eyes it was a great success and I think you all will join in and thank Dennis for the hours of devoted time he put in to making the party what it was. Giving all of us a chance to see where it began (at least as far as we could track).  I do wish to make this an annual event, hopefully not as much work for Dennis as we add on to what he has done, and for our younger generation, hoping that you will take this and continue it, as I know how much this would have meant to my Mother, Grandmother, Aunts, Uncles and cousins (all of our family was smiling down on us). I began this journey in a effort to keep my mom close to me, as when I spend time with all of you, I feel my mom with me, as family was all that was important to her. Please feel free to keep in touch thoughout the year as Peter and I would love to have a get together in Rhode Island for anyone interested in traveling.  My door is always open you do not need an invation to visit me as people dropping by with out notice is the one thing my mom loved most...not to forget the food of was fantastic. Love, Kathy."